Politically Important Cases Sampling

Politically important cases sampling is a type of Purposive Sampling where the sampling method attracts or avoids attracting attention undesired attention by including or eliminating specific sensitive samples.

Snowball Sampling

Sometimes researchers need to study a group of population where identifying or finding potential subjects can be difficult because they are either deviant or socially isolated e.g. homeless people, drug addicts, members of an elite golf club etc.

Probability Sampling, Advantages, Disadvantages

When we choose certain items out of the whole population to analyze the data and draw a conclusion thereon, it is called sampling. The way of sampling in which each item in the population has an equal chance (this chance is greater than zero) for getting selected is called probability sampling. Probability Sampling uses lesser reliance over the human judgment which makes the overall process free from over biasness.

Simple Random Sampling, Advantages, Disadvantages

Introduction Suppose that we are going to find out how many of the audience of the ‘Real Madrid vs. Barcelona’ match that was conducted on October 2014 like Lionel Messi the most and how many of them bet on Neymar JĂșnior as the best footballer in the world. It is a herculean task to collect the exact data by assessing the views of all the 400 million audience.

Stratified Random Sampling

When we select a limited number of elements from large group of elements (population) for sampling, we want to make sure that the samples taken correctly represent the population. How much our analysis of the limited dataset agrees with the characteristics of the population depends largely on the method of sampling used.

Systematic Random Sampling

While reaching to conclusion about a large volume of data, we prefer to take samples from the whole population and then we analyze them and reach to a conclusion. We expect that the samples taken represents the whole population sufficiently or at least reasonably.

Convenience Sampling

When you take samples on the basis of your comfort, it is called convenience sampling. The name “convenience” sampling is given because the selection of samples is done without any predetermined theories or principles. Convenience sampling is not preferred way of sampling for effective analysis as samples are taken from specific section of the population. Convenience sampling is a type of Non-probability Sampling.

Quota Sampling

Sampling is the process of selecting a subset of the population for analysis to save time and resources. In some cases, the properties or preferences of the population is determined by certain characteristics that puts them in certain groups e.g. the preference of clothes depends on age is different for children, teenagers, college students and working professionals.

Purposive Sampling and its Types

When choosing the method of sampling, we usually try to make sure that the samples represent the general population. But there are some cases where we might need an inquiry on certain items that fulfill specific criteria. This is where purposive sampling is useful. In purposive sampling, the items are selected in such manner that each of them are rich in information about the parameters that we are trying to study in the population.

Non-Probability Sampling

We use Sampling techniques to reduce the time, money and other resources to be invested for our survey. Probability Sampling techniques are widely used in surveys for fair and unbiased sampling process. In some cases, the randomness of Probability Sampling can not address the niche need of the surveyors. In this case, we use Non- Probability Sampling.